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Why is HDPE expensive?

2024-08-13 18:35:22
Why is HDPE expensive?

It has become widely popular due to its strength and durability and is often used in numerous items that we use daily, including water pipes, toys or milk containers. Yet what is it that causes certain HDPE products like Enlightening Pallet to demand occasionally high prices? 

HDPE is made up of tiny molecules called polymers that chain together to create long strands, which is what makes the material so strong. In addition, it is chemically and UV-resistant which makes HDPE ideal for outdoor applications. This unique combination makes hdpe pallet more expensive than the other plastic. 

The polymerization of HDPE, the process by which this material is produced, requires significant energy and resources. In addition, the raw materials required for HDPE production are very expensive driving up the overall price of end product. These hidden expenses, helplessly trickle down to the end-user; who bears the brunt in terms of a higher price-point. 

The economic principle of supply and demand is another key element in determining the price point for HDPE or heavy duty plastic pallets. When demand rises, or the supply is short (resulting from a factory breakdown) the price of HDPE shoots up. This is mainly because of the higher raw material cost for manufacturing HDPE where manufacturers have to spend extra on it during their production which results in high eventual cost of that product. 

Processing Another reason why HDPE is quite expensive in comparison to the alternatives, due to the amount of processing required for it be turned into a final product. For example, if you are using HDPE or blue plastic pallets for making a water pipe then it has to go through some extrusion that is the thing which involves heat and give shape of material. This adds an additional layer in the supply chain - and that extra step always increases end-to-end cost. 

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